GARHWAL -KUMAON - NEPAL
Gurkha rulers were the nepali origin people who were very efficient in battle skills and were very ferocious . In 1790 they  took advantage of the weakness of the kumaon regime and defeated the ruler of kumaon Mahendra chand in Hawalabag easily and  captured Almora .In 1791 they captured the whole kumaon region .
After conquring kumaon they tried to conquer  garhwal region in 1791 but defeated in Langurgarh . The ruler of garhwal ageed on a treaty with gurkhas to protect them from further intrusions .Now the ruler of garhwal have to pay 25000 rupees per year to the gurkhas for  not attacking them  again . But  in february 1803  the gurkhas again in the leadership of Amar Singh Thapa and Hastidal Chautriya attacked garhwal . At that time garhwal was affacted by a major devastataing earthquake and the gurkhas took advantage of this opportunity and defeate garhwal . The garhwal king Pradyuman Shah     have to leave Srinagar                                                  
In 14 may 1804 the final decisive battle was fought between the garhwal kind and gurkhas in Khudbura region of Dehradun .In which the king Pradyuman Shah was defeated by the gurkhas . In this way now the whole garhwal and kumaon region was now under the control of gurkhas .
In the request of Sudarshan Shah son of Pradyuman Shah the Britishers send their forces to defeat the gurkhas in 1814. Under Maj.Gen Gillespie the Britishers formed a road map for defeating gurkhas .In this process they entered Dehradun through Shiwaliks under Lt.Col Mawby .On 19 october Lt.Col Carpanter moved toward Timali valley. They both met at the base of "Naligarh (Nalapani)" the fort formed by the Commander Balbhadra Singh nephew of Amar Singh Thapa and defeated the Gurkhas at the battle of "Khalanga ".
Colonel Nicolson  and Colonel Gardner captured the Almora region of kumaon in 1815 and General Ochterlony captured the palace of Malwa from Amar Singh Thapa in 15 may ,1815.
In 27 april a treaty was established between Colonel Gardner and nepali gurkhas , in this treaty the kumaon region of gurkhas was given to the British government .
After the defeat of Amar Singh Thapa the treaty of Sugauli was signed between the Britishers and the Nepali government in 28 november 1815.
The Nepali government   was not following the Sugauli treaty ,so the British forces climbed  Nepal and captured Kathmandu in 1816. At last Nepali govenment agreed on the treaty of Sugauli (Bihar) .

*Gurkhas agreed to leave their  claim in Tarai , or southern lowland region in west of Kali river extending to Sutlej river
*The regions of Garhwal and Kumaon were given to Britishers.
*Gurkhas left Sikkim and agreed in eatablishing a permanent military base in Kathmandu .
*Gurkhas agreed in enrolling in British army  

Though Gurkhas were very brave but   their era was full of injustice and torture  .They  raped   women , killed many people, slaved people and robbed robbed every where .They ruled kumaon nearly 25 years and ruled garhwal nearly 10 years .  The period ofterror ruled under  Gurkhas  was named as "GURKHAYANI" by the people of gadhwal and kumaon .


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